Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Human testing


In 2011, the people at Lush Oxford street tested on a human to show customers what other companies did to animals.  A woman named Jacqueline Traide was tested on in a shop window which streamed live, for 10 hours. She represented an animal test subject for the cosmetics industry. She had to do a series of tests including force-feeding, liquids squirted in her eyes and two injections. During this, she suffered no pain. This performance upset many customers that had passed by, but this shows how testing on animals isn't right. if us, humans make a product, we should test it on our selves. That's why we 're against animal testing. It shouldn't be tested on humans infact, but if people want to make products, they should test in on them not animals.

Just remember, STOP Animal Testing, and raise awareness.
(P.S, well done Jaqueline Traide and thank you!)


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