Tuesday, 8 March 2016

The Body Shop


Thanks to the Body Shop, and other cruelty-free brands, we can buy beauty products and other cosmetics without harming animals. This is great although, many other companies still sell products that test. Here's a list of our favourite products that we highly recommend from The Body Shop.
  • All of the Body Mists- £07.50 each
  • The Hawaiian kukui body cream-  £23.00 each
  • The makeup brushes- £01.00-£16.00
  • The perfume collections- £01.00-£22.00
  • The hair products- £01.00-£08.00
We love The Body Shop as it sells great products and they are all against animal testing, just like us. Can you imagine, Giant Mice taking over the world, putting us in their 'Mouse Operating theatre' and testing things on us! Do you know what we mean? Its a bit odd isn't it? But thankfully, they don't do that to us, but some selfish people in the world do that to them! Its unfair. Its cruel. Its Animal Testing!
Make it STOP and raise awareness!


Reasons To Be Against Animal Testing


People don't realize what is in their products that they use on their face everyday, or wash their hair with.
They don't know what animals have to go through for us to look good.
Surely if a human makes a product, they should test it on a human?

Animals are not ours to test on!

Animals aren't on our planet to be used to test on by humans.

Animals who are tested on should be in their natural habitat, not in a science lab!

 How many vitamins do we need that offer the same thing as the one next to it. How much makeup does one company need to be happy-never mind thousands. How many animals do we have to kill to be happy with some chocolate that is supposedly poisonous and we have to have lab rats eat it make sure it is not. Knowing the food in my hand was tested on for some reason like that really makes me feel sick. Not to mention drinks, bake dgoods, mouth wash, toothpaste, soaps, and other food and beauty products consumed by humans every day. 
I don't believe it is right to kill a poor animal to get a product that we functioned just fine without before hand. So many animals are being killed for our happiness and I don't think it is right at all. There is no reason to kill an animal for something so pointless as a food product or cosmetic. 


Buying From Lush


Lush is one of the best places to buy cruelty free products!
Their products all smell good, look amazing, and are brilliant on your skin!
Personally, I think Lush has all of the cosmetic things you need!


  • Bath Bombs
  • Bath oils
  • Bubble Bars
  • Fun 
  • Soaps

  • Shower gels & jellies
  • Smoothies & Conditioners 
  • Scrubs & Butters
  • Fun

  • Cleansers
  • Toners
  • Moisturizers
  • Masks
  • Shaving
  • Teeth
  • Lips
  • Treatments 
  • Shampoo
  • Shampoo Bars
  • Conditioners 
  • Styling
  • Colour
  • Face 
  • Lips
  • Eyes
  • Gorilla Perfume
  • Under £15
  • £15-£30
  • Over £30
  • Knot-wraps
  • Gift cards
It took me a long time to list them all!
To buy these products click this link:

Lush is 100% vegetarian and is against animal testing, which is amazing!

I hope this helped people know where to shop for cruelty free products!
