Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Barry M


In the future, we are going to be posting blog posts about different companies that are well priced, cruelty free (obviously), and that have good products. On the Barry M website, it officially says that they don't test on animals. Before we started this blog, we shopped at lots of brands including Barry M. We loved this even before we discovered animal testing and we were incredibly shocked at the amount of companies that test on animals. We then researched ones that don't test. Barry M don't! Yey! (What a relief!) Here's a list of our Top 3 products:

  • Genie lipstick (Duh!)
  • Speedy Quick dry nail paint
  • Chisel Cheeks contour kit
Check out this brand (if you already haven't!)

Just remember, STOP Animal Testing and raise awareness!


Makeup Revolution


I am so pleased!
Yesterday I found out that one of my favorite brands, Makeup Revolution, are 100% cruelty free! 

Their products are amazing quality and so well pigmented!
Their Iconic pallets are my favorite, at the moment iconic 1 and 2!

Also, this video is from Youtube, It's just to show you how good their products are!

Click link to buy their products!
